Happy New Year to You All
Shanah Tovah
Sweet & Happy
“May this time of reflection usher in a
year of love, laughter, and sweet blessings for you and your family.” With Love
& Respect ~ AHF
Happy New Year to You All
Shanah Tovah
Sweet & Happy
“May this time of reflection usher in a
year of love, laughter, and sweet blessings for you and your family.” With Love
& Respect ~ AHF
The First Paradise and Love That Conquers All!
the date palm tree plays the central visual element in the composition of this
artwork, while the other symbols, i.e., the male, the female, the birds, the
fish, the water, the moon in the sky, and the serpent are playing the
supporting roles, perfecting the scene!
Subject: The First Paradise
Technique: M/P, light Carving with Mixed-Media
Measurements: 16x11.1/8 Inch
Date: 1993
Price: $20,000
The Many Corners of Beauty
An open field, a wide sea, and a high sky make me feel like I am part of a universe, but my personal space where I can breathe beauty is my true universe!
da Vinci once stated, “An artist's studio should be a small space because small
rooms discipline the mind and large ones distract it”. Therefore, I love being
in my small studio because it is the perfect space for inspiration and creation.
Welcome to atelier a, where my art gives me joy and promotes a positive mood. In my private studio where I am capable of reshaping both my inside and outside worlds through art, I am the lord of my destiny.
I am not here to fix the world but to enjoy it while diving away from the daily
discomfort into calm music and radiant, saturated colors.
Although my studio looks like a war zone, I love my studio like a bird loves her own nest.
PS. In the hallway between the main door and my studio, you can enjoy some of the artworks that I created before the Logogramism period.