A homeland is not a specific map or land. It is also not the natives' deep and rich history, but all of that watered and salted with our forefather's sacrifices and achievements. ~ Amer Hanna Fatuhi
There is no doubt that no land on
the face of the Earth could be compared to Mesopotamia, biblically known as the
Land of Eden, simply because it is the Land of Firsts!
All of the old civilizations learned and borrowed from Mesopotamian knowledge and way of life in one way or another. Likewise, all of the known secondary colors originated from the primary colors: blue, yellow, and red.
It is no secret that I am quite
fascinated with originality, therefore, the artwork HOME somewhat blurs the
traditional red lines between paintings and sculptures. Using natural elements
(wood and thread) to create a 3D painting, which could also be called a
colorful sculpture, goes back to the cradle of civilization's ancient
technique. It is considered a combination of using easy-abstain artwork that
uses simple methods to depict a complicated idea.
The foundation of the artwork HOME is derived from the most ancient writing system known as the Pictograph (c. eighth millennium BC). This aesthetically pleasing 3D hanged artwork effortlessly gives the viewer a sense of beauty and is easily enjoyable due to the use of the distinct primary colors: red, yellow, and blue.
The entire artwork was developed from one Logogram symbol referring to Home and pronounced as Ki/Bit in the Sumero-Akkadian culture. It is like love; you do not need to talk for hours to express your love to your beloved. Instead, all it requires is sincere, deep eye contact!
Amer Hanna Fatuhi, the founder of the LOGOGRAMISM Style
Title: Home
Technique: Acrylic on Wood round
dowels & Threads
Measurements: 48x40 Inches
Year: 2012
Price: amerfatuhi@aol.com
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